Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapist use purposeful activities to assist children and adults in achieving their greatest level of independence.
Who Can Benefit:
Children with the following challenges often benefit from occupational therapy services:
Oral motor/feeding problems
Clumsy or poor balance
Low muscle tone
Poor endurance
Difficulty accepting change or following directions
Anxious or resistant to new activities
Difficulty transitioning
Unpredictable behaviors
Poor organizational skills
Craving for, or hypersensitivity to: movement, heights, touch from others, feel of clothes, tastes/textures of foods, sounds, and smells
Poor awareness of surroundings or attention to detail
Hyperactive, distractible, or lethargic behaviors
Easily frustrated (showing withdrawn or aggressive behaviors)
Difficulty with coloring, cutting or handwriting skills

Speech Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy includes evaluation and treatment of the many disorders that affect the normal development of speech in children.
These disorders include, but are not limited to:
Articulation Disorder - Incorrect pronunciation of sounds.
Language Disorder - Incorrect use of language skills.
Feeding / Swallowing disorders.
Fluency Disorder - Interruptions in speech that disrupt communication with peers.
Voice Disorders - Caused by inappropriate vocal behavior.
Processing Disorders - Delays in how the child process the information from the environment.

Sensory Integration
When information from the senses cannot be interpreted correctly by the brain, behaviors may result that can be baffling to everyone involved. If there is over sensitivity to the sensory input, the person may respond negatively to any physical contact, become fearful during movement, and/or avoid routine activities. Our staff, at Developing Connections Inc., are trained to understand and address problems that correlate to sensory processing. Activities are planned with the “just the right challenge” to enhance the individual's ability to accurately interpret and respond to sensory input. The therapist builds on the client's strengths while motivating him or her to participate in activities that organize sensory input.
Who Can Benefit:
Children with the following challenges often benefit from Sensory Integration services:
Autism spectrum disorder
Developmental delay
Benefits of Sensory Integration services include
Modulation of sensory systems
Improved function in school, home and community
Improved independence with activities of daily living (ADLs)
Maximized functional ability to perform daily and recreational activities
Enhanced motor planning ability
Active involvement and exploration of environments
Efficient organization of sensory information